South Dakota Apostolic Prayer Network

SD State Coordinator Betsy Moeller

Sunday, June 30, 2013


66 Books of the Bible Release to 66 Counties of South Dakota
Our 27th county to pray for in South Dakota is Haakon County, with the city of Phillip being the county seat.  We release the book of Daniel to Haakon County.  The book of Daniel is a book of winning over circumstances again and again.  The foundation of it all was the purpose and prayer in Daniel's heart.   Daniel was known to have an "excellent spirit", and was a man of purpose, prayer, perception, and power. Daniel literally had a part in changing four different nations because of the power God had given him.  In chapter 3, Daniel and his 3 friends are saved from the fiery flames as the 4th man in the furnace (Jesus) appears to save them along with chapter 6, where he is saved from the lion's den. In chapter 9, Daniel stands in the gap in identificational repentance for his people and nation in prayer and fasting for 21 days until the angel Gabriel delivered the answer to his prayers.

Daniel portrays Jesus as "the great stone" Who will crush the kingdoms of this world (2:34,35,44), as "the Son of Man" Who is given dominion as the Ancient of Days (7:9-14), and as "the coming Messiah" (9:25,26). He also had a vision of Jesus, (10:5-9) which is similar to Revelation 1:12-16.

Father in the name of Jesus, we thank you for Haakon County as we release the book of Daniel to this area.  Father we pray that an "excellent spirit" would be known of the people in Haakon County.  That they too, even as Daniel, be Your people of purpose, prayer, perception, and power. That they will purpose in their heart to know and obey you even in difficult circumstances, and as things are birthed in prayer, out of that will come a great revelation of Jesus and power of Holy Spirit to the people and land of Haakon County. We release through the Blood and the Light of Jesus, a fresh revelation of Jesus to come forth to the people of Haakon County to fulfill their destiny for the Kingdom of God.

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