South Dakota Apostolic Prayer Network

SD State Coordinator Betsy Moeller

Tuesday, July 30, 2013


66 Books of the Bible Release to 66 Counties of South Dakota
 Our 57th county to pray for in South Dakota is Spink County, with the city of Redfield being the county seat.  We release the book of Philemon to Spink County.  While the shortest of Paul's epistles, the book of Philemon powerfully applies the message of the gospel.  Philemon means "affectionate" and in this book we behold Jesus as the "compassionate friend."  Philemon is an appeal letter written by Paul to his spiritual son, Philemon to receive his slave Onesimus back.   Paul appealed that Onesimus was not a servant now but was a brother in the Lord as he had now received Christ and was transformed.  Philemon is challenged to show the same unconditional pardon that he received through the grace and love of Jesus.   Slavery was prevalent in that day.  Many were born as slaves, and sometimes parents even sold their children as slaves to alleviate their poverty.  Some were captured in war and made slaves, while others were kidnapped and made slaves.

When a man comes to Jesus, he is transformed from waste to wealth.  He fits well into the family of God.  Paul called Onesimus a beloved brother who had once been a slave but who had become the Lord's freeman.  This epistle shows the doctrine of imputation - the paying of a debt by one for another.  We can certainly see the picture of Jesus Christ Who paid the price for us.  Our sins were put upon Him, our debts were upon Him, Jesus freely took them to set us free.  Paul was willing to take the debts of Onesimus in order for him to be set free.  This is a clear picture of the work of Calvary.  Paul's intercession also point toward Christ's ongoing intercession with the Father on our behalf.   Only with Christ's example of forgiveness through the Cross are we able to overcome our hurts and mistakes and be reconciled to our brothers and sisters in Christ.  Love, a fruit of the Spirit, is evident throughout the book of Philemon. 

"That the communication of your faith may become effective by the acknowledgement of every good thing which is in you in Christ Jesus" (Philemon 6). 

Father in the name of Your Son Jesus, we declare that Your "sons" in Spink County know the riches in Christ and resources in Holy Spirit and receive and apply those benefits daily.  We pray that Your love would permeate through them to forgive any hurts and mistakes of the past to full reconciliation with You and one another.  And any areas where sin has caused slavery, we declare repentance, forgiveness, and reconciliation to the freedom of Christ. We release the Light of Christ to these areas of darkness.   Let Freedom in Jesus, Reign over the land and people of Spink County!

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