South Dakota Apostolic Prayer Network

SD State Coordinator Betsy Moeller

Sunday, September 22, 2013


DAY 12 – Technology, Social Media, and the Internet

Today we will focus our prayer and repentance on the perverted misuse of technology, social media, and the internet.
They promise them freedom, while they themselves are slaves of depravity… –2 Peter 2:19
There are many technological methods used by human traffickers to recruit their victims and effectively advertise to their consumers. Here are a few:
  • Social Media: Traffickers often solicit young girls on social media sites by posing as prospective boyfriends, spamming a large number of girls’ inboxes with flattering messages or job offers, and taking advantage of adolescents during their formative years.
  • Online Job Offers: Victims are often offered a job (modeling opportunities, waitressing, dancing gigs, etc.) from an unknown online source and are lured in with false hopes for a better life.
  • Cell Phones: Oftentimes perpetrators will use prepaid cell phones to make calls and conduct business. Prepaid phone providers do not require any identification to purchase a phone, allowing traffickers to network without any trace of their identity.
  • Internet Sites: Pornographic websites are widely used by traffickers; many times pornographic movies are made by using their victims in scenes. Traffickers will also feature a paid, live webcast of their victims performing sex acts in order bring in more revenue.
Sites featuring local classified ads, such as, have also been under scrutiny for facilitating the business of traffickers who post their victims in the ‘adult services’ section. In addition to this, classified online ads and websites featuring dating opportunities, nannies, maids, massage services, and mail-order brides can be the marketing technique of trafficking networks.
Although traffickers use the internet for their own business gains, and we should be aware of the dangers it possesses, law enforcement is also effectively utilizing technology to catch the perpetrators.
To read the full USRPN article on this issue, please click here.
Father God, in Jesus’ Name, forgive me personally if I have spent more time seeking personal satisfaction, comfort, and attachment through technology, social media, and the internet rather than looking to You for authentic relationship, companionship, and comfort.
Today, we stand in the gap for parents in our two nations who are distracted and neglecting their responsibility to watch over the time and the content with which children are engaging on the Internet. Forgive us all for leaving a generation of children unguarded to those who would seek to bring them harm.
  • Mighty God, protect our children and young people from falling into the trap of predators seeking to enslave them in the sex trade through technology, social media, and the internet.
  • Father, give wisdom, discernment, and information to young people about the traps and snares of false promises of dating relationships, jobs, and other online offers that would lead them into the sex trade.
  • Heavenly Father, convict and deliver those who use internet pornography, turning their hearts to You for peace and satisfaction.
  • We ask You, God, to give tips, leads, and successful technological strategies to law enforcement agencies to identify, arrest, and convict sex trafficker and put an end to sex trafficking organizations from using social media, and the internet.
  • Father God, convict the owners of classified websites to screen and qualify all ads to prevent sexual exploitation and predators. We pray for strict laws to be enacted, preventing the use of social media for sex trafficking and related activities.
1. If you are either solicited by a trafficker, are a victim of human trafficking, or suspect trafficking activity, call the Polaris Project human trafficking hotline at 1-888-373-7888. You can also text INFO or HELP to BeFree (233733).
2. Inform others about the technological methods used by traffickers in order to prevent trafficking from occurring and to protect the lives of the young and innocent.

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