Our 29th county to pray for in South Dakota is Hand County, with the city of Miller being the county seat. We release the book of Joel to Hand County. The author of this book was Joel, known as the Prophet of "the Day of the Lord," written during a time of apostasy of God's people. The purpose of this book is first most a call to repentance in chapters 1 & 2. And also to show a prophetic view of future events as Jesus is seen as the judge of the nations in Joel chapter 3.
Jesus Christ is seen as the "Almighty" - El-Shaddai - the God Who is more than enough in Joel 1:15. Joel also prophesied of the outpouring of Holy Spirit, of which Jesus reminded His disciples in Acts 1:8 and then taking place in Acts chapter 2. "And it shall come to pass afterward that I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh . . .” (Joel 2:28-29). Joel knew of this outpouring and he prophesied that Jesus would send it upon all flesh.
Father in the mighty name of Jesus, we thank you that Your revealing as El-Shaddai - the God Who is more than enough, be known to the people of Hand County. And as the people of Hand County first come to You in repentance of any area that You are not first place in their lives, Your "hand" of favor would be over them. We release through the Blood and the Light of Jesus Christ, a Holy Spirit revival upon "all flesh" in Hand County. Let it be seen, let it be known, in this county, in this state, and even to this very nation, that the Spirit of the Lord has come to Hand County! Let a Holy Spirit revival break forth in Hand County!
SD Apostolic Prayer Network
Betsy Moeller
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