South Dakota Apostolic Prayer Network

SD State Coordinator Betsy Moeller

Tuesday, September 9, 2014



September 4 - 24, 2014
We are very excited to announce that our Stop Corruption Now Prayer Guide is now available to download! This 21-day guide will be read and prayed through by thousands of people all across the United States on September 4 - 24 during our Stop Corruption Now initiative. 
To download the entire prayer guide for this groundbreaking campaign, please click here
Also, to see a special video by Cindy Jacobs giving more details on this initiative, please click here
Feel free to share this prayer guide with other prayer warriors you know and let us know where you're praying from! Together, let's topple the stronghold of corruption in the United States, and see breakthrough come to our families, churches and nation. 
We are honored to have you partner with us during this powerful prayer campaign! Thank you for standing in the gap!
For the nation, 
Mike and Cindy Jacobs

The Stop Corruption Prayer Initiative has begun.  Here is Day 1 Prayer Guide for Stop Corruption in our state and nation.  Thank you once again as we lock our shields together in intercession.
Many Blessings,

“But as He who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct, because it is written, ‘Be holy for I am holy.’” -1 Peter 1:15-16
Just as governments, businesses and financial systems can be corrupt, so can the human heart (Jeremiah 17:9). Before identifying and praying over areas of high level corruption in our society, it’s vital that we first look inward at our own hearts. Preparation for this 21-day initiative must begin by evaluating ourselves to identify any sinful or personally corrupt doorways that we’ve opened in our lives.
We ask that you take today to spend time in prayer with a humble heart, should there be any areas in your life that need repentance.

  • Integrity issues
    Proverbs 10:9 tells us that “whoever walks in integrity walks securely.” Have you been honest in all areas of your life? Do you keep your word when you make a promise?
  • Sexual appetites
    Maintaining sexual purity is very important. The Word of God is clear that when one commits a sexual Sin, it is a sin against his or her own body. Have you refrained from watching impure movies? Have you been consuming pornographic material? Have you been desensitized to sexual impurity?
  • Treatment of others
    Jesus Himself said that one of the greatest commandments is to love your neighbor as yourself. How we treat people is often an indicator of our relationship with God. We can’t love God and not love people! Have you mistreated your spouse, children, family members or friends in any way? Have you manipulated others for your own gain? Are there any roots of unforgiveness in your life?
  • Finances
    As a lot of corruption in the United States is rooted in finances, it’s important to make sure you are clean in this area of your life. Are you being responsible with your income and providing for your family? Do you tithe? Do you pay your bills on time and your taxes in full? Have you idolized money in any way?


Father God, I ask that you would reveal to me any areas of my life where I have allowed myself to become morally corrupt. I repent for any unbridled appetites, integrity issues and/or ways that I have mistreated people and finances. Thank You for Your forgiveness!


Father God, we repent on behalf of the United States, for having corrupt and sinful hearts. Have mercy on us, oh God, and renew the bodies, minds and spirits of our people with Your Word! We repent for our wicked ways today, seek Your face according to 2 Chronicles 7:14 and ask that You would expose any corruption in our personal lives.

  1. Pray that the Lord would fully prepare you for this initiative by cleansing and healing your heart of any personal corruption. (1 John 1:9)
  2. Pray that the Holy Spirit would strengthen you to truly be holy as God is holy. (Romans 8:26)
  3. If there are any areas of your life that require special attention (for example, your finances) ask the Lord for the grace to be able to take the necessary steps that would get them in order. (Hebrews 12:11)
  1. If you need to forgive or ask forgiveness from someone, go to that person and make amends in humility and love.
  2. If you need to seek help in areas of your life such as financial restoration, counseling, breaking addictions, etc., take the steps that will help you find freedom and peace.
To download the entire Stop Corruption Now Prayer Guide, please click here.

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