Day 12 - United Nations
“For dominion belongs to the Lord and He rules over the nations.” -Psalm 22:28
is a vast array of opinions concerning the United Nations, what it does
and whether it should even still exist. While we are grateful for the
humanitarian efforts of this influential organization, there are vast
amounts of resources poured into the United Nations that create high
corruption risk.
U.N. has also become a vehicle for influential and ambitious figures to
advance agendas they have been unable to advance within their
individual countries; this is the birthplace of the globalist movement
and ideas.
opportunity for corruption within and as a result of the United Nations
is enormous, but so is the opportunity for positive impact. As long as
the organization continues to exist, prayers on its behalf are
- Mismanagement of funds
A recent investigation revealed that UNICEF handed out tens of millions of dollars in Haiti without proper oversight. (1) Further back, in 2005, one of the greatest humanitarian efforts of the U.N. ended with one of the biggest scandals when senior officials running an oil-for-food program in Iraq were found guilty of receiving kickbacks and accepting bribes. (2) These are two of the most recent cases, but it is unlikely they were isolated. This is particularly relevant to the United States as our nation is assessed 22 percent of the regular U.N. operating budget and 27 percent of the peacekeeping budget. (3)
- Anti-semitism
The United Nations has a long history of anti-Israel bias, in direct contradiction to the principles of equality outlined in its charter. Israel has been singled out again and again for harsh statements, restrictions and denouncements, even when other nations have had significant atrocities occurring. For instance, while genocide was happening in Sudan from 2006-2007, 22 anti-Israel resolutions were passed while not a single resolution against Sudan was passed. (4)
- Agenda 21
Agenda 21 is an action initiative of the United Nations with regard to sustainable development. Its goal is “to integrate economic, social and environmental policies in order to achieve reduced consumption, social equity and the preservation and restoration of biodiversity.” (5) While it is a voluntary initiative and, therefore, not law in the U.S., proponents of Agenda 21 actively seek to influence laws at all levels to carry out this effort which prizes the environment over humanity. The principles of Agenda 21 in tandem with those in the Earth Charter (a “soft law” document used to promote environmental initiatives worldwide) have roots in Gaia-worship (6) and have led to extreme overreach, particularly by the Environmental Protection Agency, the dominant enforcer of U.N. driven environmental philosophies in the U.S. (7)
- U.N. treaties
Treaties formed in the United Nations and signed by international leaders pose a corruption risk. In the interest of a global community, treaties often contain language and content that contradict U.S. laws and American values. Thus far, the Supreme Court has upheld the Constitutional principle that foreign treaties do not override the law of the land; however, the treaties can have a strong influence on how U.S. laws are written, amended and interpreted. (8)
- Actions of UN peacekeeping forces
As recently as last year, accusations, charges and lawsuits involving corruption and lawlessness, spreading of deadly diseases, and sexually abusing civilian populations were turning negative attention towards the U.N. (9)
God, I repent if I have been fearful of stepping out of my comfort zone
to reach other nations. I recognize the fact that You are the true
healer of nations, not any man-created entity or institution. Give me
the courage and wisdom needed to impact the spiritual and social lives
of other people wherever You choose to send me!
God, we repent on behalf of our nation for any ungodly alliances made
with organizations that are anti-biblical. We ask Your forgiveness for
allowing anti-biblical legislation to be passed as well, particularly
when influenced by international, anti-biblical ideologies. We declare
that corruption in the United Nations will be exposed!
- Pray for U.N. leadership to make wise decisions when it comes to money and personnel management. (Proverbs 24:3)
- Pray for any external or internal forces that negatively
influence U.N. operations throughout the globe to be exposed and
eliminated. (Ephesians 5:11)
- Pray that U.S. lawmakers would not be
influenced by antibiblical U.N. treaties or policies in their
legislative proposals and creation. (Proverbs 14:34)
- Pray that U.N. peacekeepers would be
disciplined, not subject to immoral and harmful behavior or corrupt
activity. (Proverbs 15:32)
- Pray for successful U.N. projects that will provide quality humanitarian and environmental aid without harming, manipulating, or taking advantage of any nation’s citizens and/or laws. (Proverbs 2:7)
- If your church has not provided humanitarian aid in your
community or other nations, consider volunteering to develop this part
of your church’s outreach or missions program.
- Keep updated on legislation being developed in your state that would favor anti-biblical principles and then call your legislator or sign a petition to oppose its passage.
- Russell, George. “In Haiti, UNICEF handed out millions
without proper oversight, report says.” Fox News. 28 May 2014. Web. 3
June 2014.
2014/05/28/in-haiti-unicef- handed-out-millions-without- proper-oversight-report-says/
- “Corruption at the Heart of the United Nations.” The Economist. 9 August 2005. Web. 3 June 2014. http://www.economist.
- Schaefer, Brett D. “U.S. Funding of the United Nations
Reaches All-Time High.” The Heritage Foundation. 13 August 2010. Web. 11
August 2014.
research/reports/2010/08/us- funding-of-the-united-nations- reaches-all-time-high
- “UN, Israel & AntiSemitism.” UN Watch. Web. 11 August 2014. UN_Israel__
- “Agenda 21.” American Policy Center. Web. 11 August 2014.
- DeWeese, Tom. “The Most Dangerous Man in the World.” American Policy Center. 8 May 2012. Web. 13 August 2014.
2012/05/08/the-most-dangerous- man-in-the-world-2/
- “International Climate Partnerships.” Web. 13 August 2014.
climatechange/EPAactivities/ internationalpartnerships.html
- Raum, Tom. “Fact check: U.N. treaty unlikely to curb U.S. gun rights.” The Seattle Times. 27 July 2012. Web. 13 August 2014. apusarmstreatyfactcheck.html
- Newman, Alex. “UN Troops Accused of Sex Crimes Worldwide.” The New American. 8 September 2011. Web. 3 June 2014.
world-news/africa/item/8349- un-troops-accused-of-sex- crimes-worldwide
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