The family unit is one of the key
building blocks of a society; however, in the United States the family has been
slowly eroding. According to the American Psychological Association, 40-50
percent of marriages end in divorce. 43 percent of US children come from
fatherless homes (US Department of Census) which leads to a plethora of other
negative behaviors such as drug and alcohol addiction, teen pregnancy and suicide.
The definition of marriage between one man and one woman is also being
corrupted as more and more states are legalizing homosexual marriage. In
addition, pornography and drug addiction are at an all time high. Unfortunately,
families in the Church don’t look much better from the world.
• Divorce rate
Contrary to what we’ve been told
over the last several years, the actual divorce rate in the Church is estimated
to be around 31 percent according to a very recent study by Harvard trained
researcher Shaunti Feldhahn (it was estimated to be around 50 percent before
the study). Although this is an encouragement to the Body of Christ, 31 percent
is still very high.
• Infidelity
According to the Journal of Marital
and Family Therapy, 41 percent of marriages are tainted by adultery. This is also
common in the Church.
• Pornography and drug use
The statistics for pornography use
are staggering. According to a 2006 study, 50 percent of all Christian men and
20 percent of all Christian women are addicted to pornography. This includes Church leadership.
Drug rates are also very high as more states are considering legalizing
• Homosexuality in the church
Many mainline church denominations
have begun recognizing homosexuality as not sinful in any way and are even
allowing gay and lesbians to be church leaders. This has contributed to the
eroding of the biblical definition of marriage in the United States and caused
more people to accept homosexuality as something created by God Himself.
• Perception of children
Whether selfishness or economic
status be the cause, there are believers and nonbelievers alike who see having
children as an intolerable burden instead of recognizing them as a blessing
from the Lord. We have allowed the family unit in the Church and nation to be
corrupted by immorality, and moral corruption leads to a lack of moral
authority. No wonder we have not seen reformation in our land! It is important
to take this seriously in repentance and prayer before the Lord.
Father God, I ask that You would
forgive me for ways that I have allowed myself, my marriage and/or my family to
become morally corrupted. Forgive me for any ways that I have harmed my marriage,
participated in pornography or drug use and/or not maintained godly thinking
when it comes to the biblical definition of marriage or having children.
Father God, we ask for forgiveness
on behalf of the United States for allowing our families to become corrupted by
immorality. We repent for our divorce and infidelity rates, for our
pornography and drug abuse and for
not valuing our nation’s children. Expose any corruption in our nation’s
families and help us to raise a godly standard for families in our society that
will serve as an example for other nations.
1. Pray for the family units in
American society and the Church to be strengthened. Declare that the spirit of
immorality is broken, and bind the enemy from destroying marriages and familial
relationships in the Church. (Matthew 18:18)
2. Pray for the divorce rate,
fatherless rate, pornography and drug abuse, and wrong perceptions of marriage
and children to decrease in an amazing rate. Ask God to renew the mind of His
people. (Galatians 5:16)
3. Ask God to raise a standard of
holiness through His Church that will be a light for the nation. Also, pray for
families in the Church to be healed of any immoral practices, so we will regain
our moral authority in America. (1 Peter 1:1516)
Evaluate your marriage and family.
Does your relationship with your spouse and children need to be strengthened?
Is there any immorality that has been allowed? Take the necessary steps to
healing and freedom for your family!
To download the entire Stop Corruption Now Prayer Guide, please
click here.
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