South Dakota Apostolic Prayer Network

SD State Coordinator Betsy Moeller

Sunday, June 30, 2013


66 Books of the Bible Release to 66 Counties of South Dakota
Our 27th county to pray for in South Dakota is Haakon County, with the city of Phillip being the county seat.  We release the book of Daniel to Haakon County.  The book of Daniel is a book of winning over circumstances again and again.  The foundation of it all was the purpose and prayer in Daniel's heart.   Daniel was known to have an "excellent spirit", and was a man of purpose, prayer, perception, and power. Daniel literally had a part in changing four different nations because of the power God had given him.  In chapter 3, Daniel and his 3 friends are saved from the fiery flames as the 4th man in the furnace (Jesus) appears to save them along with chapter 6, where he is saved from the lion's den. In chapter 9, Daniel stands in the gap in identificational repentance for his people and nation in prayer and fasting for 21 days until the angel Gabriel delivered the answer to his prayers.

Daniel portrays Jesus as "the great stone" Who will crush the kingdoms of this world (2:34,35,44), as "the Son of Man" Who is given dominion as the Ancient of Days (7:9-14), and as "the coming Messiah" (9:25,26). He also had a vision of Jesus, (10:5-9) which is similar to Revelation 1:12-16.

Father in the name of Jesus, we thank you for Haakon County as we release the book of Daniel to this area.  Father we pray that an "excellent spirit" would be known of the people in Haakon County.  That they too, even as Daniel, be Your people of purpose, prayer, perception, and power. That they will purpose in their heart to know and obey you even in difficult circumstances, and as things are birthed in prayer, out of that will come a great revelation of Jesus and power of Holy Spirit to the people and land of Haakon County. We release through the Blood and the Light of Jesus, a fresh revelation of Jesus to come forth to the people of Haakon County to fulfill their destiny for the Kingdom of God.

Saturday, June 29, 2013


66 Books of the Bible Release to 66 Counties of South Dakota

Our 26th county to pray for in South Dakota is Gregory County, with the city of Burke being the county seat.  We release the book of Ezekiel to Gregory County.  Ezekiel's  name means "God strengthens, and Ezekiel was a prophet who ministered to his people while in Babylonian bondage. He was also a greatly educated and prepared priest, and was a descendant of the godly Zadok priesthood. The book of Ezekiel is referred to as the book of "Acts of the Holy Spirit" in the Old Testament.

In chapter 1, Ezekiel was given a vision of the cherubim as the 4 living creatures around the throne of God as "the wheel within the wheel".  Chapter 37 was a vision of the restoration of Israel in the valley of the dry bones, as Ezekiel was commanded by the Lord to prophesy the very breath of Life into the dry bones.  In chapter 47, Ezekiel experienced the river of God from heaven with its healing waters. 

Ezekiel was the first to receive the revelation of Jehovah-Shammah, meaning "the presence Who is always with us" (from Ezekiel 48:35, ". . . The Lord is there").  Jesus said, ". . . I am with you always, . . . (Matthew 28:20). Undoubtedly, Ezekiel knew Jehovah-Shammah - the Lord Jesus and His presence.  Ezekiel also knew the Lord as the great Shepherd Who would come and feed them.  Jesus is seen as the true Shepherd in Ezekiel 34:11-31.

Father in the name of Jesus we release the book of Ezekiel, that Your Presence would be made known as Jehovah-Shammah to the people and land of Gregory County. That any area where the enemy has come to kill, steal, and destroy, we release Your breath of Life to come back to those areas as in Ezekiel 37.  We prophesy, Dry Bones, Live!  That the River of Your Presence would flow through Gregory County, where Your healing properties would be made known to the people.  We release the Good Shepherd of their souls to find that place of peace, healing, and restoration.  And that Your Holy Spirit would have full reign in Gregory County as the river of God flows through this area. 

SD Apostolic Prayer Network
Betsy Moeller

Friday, June 28, 2013


66 Books of the Bible Release to 66 Counties of South Dakota
Our 25th county to pray for in South Dakota is Grant County, with the city of Milbank being the county seat. We release the book of Lamentations to Grant County.  These lamentations were composed by the prophet Jeremiah.  In spite of years of disobedience - and repeated warnings - the Jewish people lost their city of Jerusalem.  Here Jeremiah eloquently mourns its destruction. Lamentations presents Jeremiah's grief along with God's great sorrow, the depth of His love, and His willingness to forgive.

Centuries later Jesus weeps over the city of Jerusalem in the same fashion that Jeremiah did.  But the city of Jesus' day was physically whole . . . it was for the Jews' spiritual ruin that He mourned.  Like Jesus - who was ". . . a man of sorrows, acquainted with grief" (Isaiah 53:3) - Jeremiah identified himself with human suffering. 

While expressing God's sorrow along with his own, Jeremiah takes the opportunity to express God's faithfulness and to call His people to repentance.  God again reminds them to trust in Him. "It is of the Lord's mercies that we are not consumed, because His compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness" (Lamentations 3:22, 23). 

Father we release through the Name, the Blood and the Light of Jesus Christ, Your faithfulness to be known and manifested all across Grant County.  We thank you Father, that Grant County will not be disobedient in following You and Your ways, but will carry such a revelation of Your love for them, that great love and compassion would not only be shown to You but also to the people in Grant County.  Thank you also Father, that Grant County will be prosperous in their ways as they follow Your Kingdom principles made very clear to us in Your Word.  Let the people of Grant County declare, "Our God's faithfulness is great, and His mercies are new every day to us."  Let the faithfulness of God be known across Grant County!


Thursday, June 27, 2013


66 Books of the Bible Release to 66 Counties of South Dakota

 Our 24th county to pray for in South Dakota is Faulk County, with the city of Faulkton being the county seat.  We release the book of Jeremiah to Faulk County.  Jeremiah means "Yahweh establishes, appoints, or sends."  Jeremiah was a priest as well as a prophet called as a young man to proclaim God's coming judgment on the unrepentant people of Judah.   Through Jeremiah's actions and attitude, he portrays a life-style similar to that of Jesus, a type of Christ in the Old Testament. He showed great compassion for his people and wept over them, thus he was called, "the weeping prophet."  He suffered much at their hands, but he forgave them.  The greatest compliment ever paid to Jeremiah was when the people asked Jesus if He was the prophet Jeremiah.  His heart of compassion is similar to the heart of Jesus.

Jesus is clearly seen as the coming shepherd and the righteous Branch (23:1-8) who will bring in the New Covenant (31:31-34).  The name Jehovah Tsidkenu - "Jehovah Our Righteousness" is made known to us in this book (23:6 & 33:16).  Also the sovereignty of God is portrayed in chapter 18 as Jeremiah is sent by God to visit the potter's house revealing God as the potter, and His people, the clay.

Father we pray in the name of Jesus, that the people of Faulk County will be enlightened to the fact that You God, are their potter, and they are Your clay, to mold into your good pleasures for Your Kingdom.  That even as Jeremiah, they will have a compassionate heart, to walk in love and forgiveness for one another in Faulk County.  Let the people and the land of Faulk County cry out, "The Lord is our Righteousness," and that in humility and love for you God, they will walk in Your righteousness.  And that the very shepherd of their souls, Jesus Christ, be magnified across Faulk County.  We Bless you Faulk County as you walk in the righteousness of God through Jesus Christ!

Wednesday, June 26, 2013


66 Books of the Bible Release to 66 Counties of South Dakota
 Our 23rd county to pray for in South Dakota is Fall River County, with the city of Hot Springs being the county seat.  We release the book of Isaiah to Fall River County.  The book of Isaiah has 66 chapters, as a "minature" Bible.  The first 39 chapters - the number of the Old Testament books - emphasizes judgment, while the second division has 27 chapters - the number of the New Testament books - and stresses grace.  Isaiah means "the salvation of Jehovah."  His name is a summary of the book.  He is called the evangelical prophet because he presents Jesus and the plan of redemption more completely than any other prophet. 

We learn much about Jesus Christ throughout Isaiah:  His virgin birth (7:14, 9:6), the King who reigns in righteousness (32:1), the great Shepherd (40:11), the servant (42:1), the man of sorrows bearing our sins (53:3,7), the deliverer to set the captives free (61:1), the 7-fold Spirit of God (11:1,2) and more.

Father in the mighty name of Jesus, we release the 66 chapters of Isaiah on this 66 Book of the Bible Release to the 66 Counties in South Dakota.  That the fullness of this book with Your clear message of redemption be known all across Fall River County. That the gift of evangelism would flourish in the hearts of your people in Fall River, to love and search out those in need of You as they're great Shepherd.  And that your government of peace would come in fullness to the people and land of Fall River. Through the Blood and the Light of Jesus Christ, we release the 7-fold Spirit of God, "the spirit of the Lord, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and the fear of the Lord" to Fall River County.  Let true freedom "in Christ", be heard throughout  Fall River County.

FYI:   I wanted to share that just one day prior when teams across South Dakota had just begun to pray on site in the county seats of the counties assigned to them, my husband and I were at a family celebration of our brother and sister-in-law's 40th Anniversary.  There we were that very day, celebrating in Hot Springs in Fall River County And during the program, a good friend sang the song, "He Is", by Aaron &Jeffrey.  This song covers every one of the 66 books of the Bible.  There we were, in the very county seat of Hot Springs, in the county of Fall River, where the book of Isaiah with 66 chapters was assigned in the 66 Books of the Bible Release to all 66 Counties in South Dakota.  We also found out that our parents were celebrating their 66th year of marriage together!  Again, "You just can't make this stuff up!"

Tuesday, June 25, 2013


66 Books of the Bible Release to 66 Counties of South Dakota

Our 22nd county to pray for in South Dakota is Edmunds County, with the city of Ipswich being the county seat.  We release the book of Song of Solomon to Edmunds County. This book is an analogy of the love relationship between God and the believer and also the human love of the right man and right woman together.  As believers, Jesus is the "right man"( our Bridegroom God) and the "right woman"(the Bride of Christ).  Jesus is the great lover of our souls.

In the 1st half of Song of Solomon, the Shulamite woman representing the Bride of Christ, is finding her identity and destiny in her Bridegroom God.  And as she grows and matures in her love relationship, in the 2nd half of the book, the Bridegroom (Jesus) sees the destiny he has for her come to fulfillment.  As the church we 1st must have that personal, intimate relationship with our God before we can truly fulfill our destiny on this earth.  When both come together, we become the "kings and priests" He has called us to be on this earth as true ambassadors as we walk out, "Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth, as it is in heaven."  God has given us our Good Shepherd, the very lover of our souls and one Lord to rule and reign in our lives - the Lord Jesus Christ.

Father, we thank you for the people and the land in Edmunds County.  We thank you Father, that Edmunds County is coming into a deeper relationship with your Son Jesus.  Even as the Bridegroom and Bride relationship of your deep intimate love, we pray for a fresh release unto the people of Edmunds County to realize that great love and find their true identity in you, Jesus.  And as they grow in that deep relationship with you God, let a maturity grow and arise in them of Your great love, to spill out to all those around them in Edmunds county and the region. Let the people cry, "The Kingdom of God is at hand", as they march to the beat of Your heart for them. We release through the Blood and the Light of Jesus, the beauty and love of God into Edmunds County. Let it be as a seal upon their heart (S.O.S. 7:6).

Father, we also pray for our nation, the United States of America, that your SOS (warning) to us is to come back to our nation’s 1st love we were founded on. We stand in repentance for idolatry and that our nation would return once again to Yahweh, The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, our Lord, Savior, and King, Jesus Christ, with liberty and justice for all.

SD Apostolic Prayer Network
Betsy Moeller