South Dakota Apostolic Prayer Network

SD State Coordinator Betsy Moeller

Friday, September 20, 2013


DAY 11 – The need for Local Involvement

Today we will focus our prayer and repentance on the need to be locally involved regarding human trafficking.
There is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed, or hidden that will not be known. –Matthew 10:26
The global sex trafficking problem is based on the reality that sex slaves are treated as chattel — movable goods or livestock with economic value to their owners. The cash flow generated internationally has a local profit motive along the pipeline. Someone secures the sex slaves; someone gets paid for transporting them; and someone gets their cut networking service outlets until the victims are delivered at the local level. If the local providers were stopped, the buyers would not be able to victimize.
What if we were all eyes and ears to stop trafficking on the local level?
Here are some common locations local providers and traffickers use for their discreet business:

1. Hotels
2. Truck stops
3. Gas Stations
4. Massage Parlors/Strip Parlors
5. Local Houses/Rental Houses
6. Bars/Restaurants
7. Nail Salons
Local activism and awareness training are essential to stopping human trafficking. We encourage you to receive some form of training from a local anti-trafficking organization or educate yourself on trafficking in your state. Please click here to see more from the Polaris Project, where you can browse through information specially tailored to your home state.
To read the full USRPN article on this issue, please click here.
Father, I repent if I have not been involved on behalf of those who are victims of trafficking. Forgive me for being apathetic and for not desiring to be eyes and ears that will see, hear, and report trafficking activity.
Father, we stand on behalf of our nation, repenting for aiding human trafficking by not being aware or active. Forgive us for allowing trafficking to continue while being apathetic to its injustice. We repent for not being involved in our communities and neighborhoods and for not preventing human trafficking from occurring.
  • Father, we ask for the hearts and minds of community leaders to be made receptive to addressing local manifestations of the trafficking industry.
  • Father of Light, reveal and expose every place in my community, state, and nation where human trafficking has a foothold. Uncover and make public the whereabouts of these places where trafficking rings operate.
  • Call Your Church to take their place as watchmen on the walls of their communities, being alert to and reporting suspicious activity that would lead to the arrest and conviction of trafficking perpetrators and ring leaders.
1. As we just prayed, not only do we need to be watchmen in prayer, but also watchmen in our neighborhoods and communities. Be encouraged to become a neighborhood watchvolunteer.
2. To educate your community about domestic minor sex trafficking, become anAmbassador for Change through StreetLight USA and be part of identifying opportunities.
3. Join your local Chamber of Commerce and encourage them to stand against local businesses supporting trafficking and adult services.
4. Speak out against trafficking in your local paper. Write truthfully and gracefully, and you will write well.
5. Partner with ministries and groups bringing education to ethnic groups, including conversational (ESL) English courses.

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