Heartland Apostolic Prayer Network/HAPN & U.S. Reformation Prayer Network/USRPN
South Dakota Apostolic Prayer Network
SD State Coordinator Betsy Moeller
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
Thank you all for participating in Freedom 21 with us! What an
incredibly historic campaign this has been!
Please continue to pray for our local state Be Free ministries in Sioux
Falls where they are fighting for freedom for the victims in our state of SD and
region. Again I am attaching the link to their website. They have written
some prayer bullets of needs and request for prayer as following:
Monday, September 30, 2013
Thank you all for participating in Freedom 21 with us! What an incredibly historic campaign this has been!
As we end this initiative today, we want to encourage you to get involved, and to continue praying for victims to be rescued, for justice to be poured out, and for human trafficking to end!
Freedom 21 Prayer Guide: Day 21 - Awaken the Nations: A Global Call to Intercession. http://tinyurl.com/kydwg24

Today we will focus our prayer and repentance on the desperate need for intercession for global awakening
As we end this initiative today, we want to encourage you to get involved, and to continue praying for victims to be rescued, for justice to be poured out, and for human trafficking to end!
Freedom 21 Prayer Guide: Day 21 - Awaken the Nations: A Global Call to Intercession. http://tinyurl.com/kydwg24

DAY 21 - Awaken the Nations: A Global Call to Intercession
Today we will focus our prayer and repentance on the desperate need for intercession for global awakening
If My people who are called by My name will humble
themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways,
then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their
land. –2 Chronicles 7:14
During this initiative, the facts you have learned
demonstrate just how much of a global crisis human trafficking is.
However, in order for any actions taken to be effective on a global
level, we must first contend in prayer for awakening on a global level.
A recurring component of revival at any time in any
nation is the commitment to prayer and repentance. Prior to the Great
Awakening of the 1850s, the United States was in decline in many
respects. In 1857, two Wall Street workers, out of concern for their
country, began to pray weekly for the nation to turn back to God. This
weekly prayer gathering soon turned into a daily occurrence as more and
more people joined, and they began to meet in churches. Revival quickly
came to New York City and soon spread into other parts of the United
States. It was reported that as many as 50,000 people were won to Christ
from February to June of 1858!(1)
What would have happened if these two ordinary,
hard-working men had not prayed at all? What if they had left it for
somebody else to do? Would revival have even occurred?
If we want to see revival and awakening take place in
Mexico and the United States, it must begin with fervent prayer and
repentance. Additionally, it must be seen as our responsibility, not
anyone else’s. Only by carrying Mexico and the United States to the
throne of God in daily prayer will we see true reformation. And the
spiritual awakening of our two great nations will be the ultimate remedy
for human trafficking. Not only will we see the power of God for
salvation and signs and wonders, but we will also see transnational
criminal organizations exposed, law enforcement empowered and protected,
and victims caught in the most horrible circumstances receive their
Will you answer this call to intercession?
To read the full USRPN article on this issue, please click here.
Father, forgive me if I, in any way, have not spent
time in prayer and fasting for those caught in trafficking before this
prayer initiative. I now not only commit to acting on behalf of the
innocent victims, but praying and fasting for them as well. In addition
to this, I ask that you would awaken Mexico and the United States!
Lord, we stand in the gap on behalf of our nations
and churches, asking that You would forgive us for not standing in
prayer and action for revival in Mexico and in the United States, and
for those who are enslaved in trafficking. Awaken us, God! Light a holy
fire for intercessory prayer and action that will break the chains of
human trafficking and bring revival to the nations of the earth.
Lord, we thank You for allowing us to come boldly
before Your throne and approach You. We ask that Your people would
answer the call to intercession around the world for those affected by
and enslaved in human trafficking.
Father of Light, we ask You to expose Satan’s work
in human trafficking by uncovering hidden brothels, cartel activity,
perpetrators and consumers of trafficking crimes.
We pray for the emancipation of modern day slaves
throughout the globe. Break their chains of bondage in all forms –
physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. According to Isaiah
61, You came to free the captives. Do it now, Lord, for Your glory!
- We declare Psalm 91 over those law enforcement agencies and anti-trafficking organizations that are working in the trenches. Protect them, Lord, and give them success in their endeavors.
Please pray this final prayer with us for awakening in Mexico and the United States:
Lord Jesus, together as Americans from Mexico and
the United States, with one voice and one prayer, we cry out for You to
forgive our sins and heal our land in accordance with 2 Chronicles 7:14.
Just as You awakened the valley of dry bones in Ezekiel 44, we ask that
you would awaken our two nations to repentance and salvation that will
defeat the powers and injustice of modern slavery in our time. We
declare Your Kingdom come and Your will be done on earth as it is in
Heaven! Awaken Mexico and the United States, and pour out Your Spirit on
our two nations!
1. We encourage you to sign up for the Reformation Prayer Network by going to www.usrpn.org
where you will receive prayer alerts and articles on societal issues
pertinent to the United States in many areas, including human
trafficking. If you’d like to receive training on intercessory prayer
and more incentives, please consider becoming a Premium member.
2. Global Impact
is an international ministry that works in social development of
underdeveloped parts of the world. They also are passionate about
bringing freedom and purpose to victims of trafficking. To learn more
about how you can partner with them, please click here.
3. Dedicate yourself to daily prayer for the victims
of human trafficking, both nationally and internationally. As you pray,
look for headlines in the news that will be answers to your prayer!
4. Mobilize others to pray with you. This can be done
by gathering a small group of like-minded individuals to pray together
on a weekly basis, or by recruiting prayer partners who will pray daily
for the issue of modern day slavery.
1. Thomas, Cal. ‘Concerts of prayer’ starts revivals. The Journal. 7 September 2010.
Sunday, September 29, 2013

DAY 20 - The Occult: Santa Muerte, Satanic Ritual Abuse, and Sacrifices
Today we will focus our prayer and repentance on the occult’s influence in human trafficking.
For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but
against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the
darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the
heavenly places. –Ephesians 6:12
Many law enforcement agencies diligently work to
expose and bring to justice those who traffic, kidnap, extort, exploit,
and murder innocent victims. However, there is no doubt that our battle
with criminal organizations on both sides of the border is more than a
battle in the material realm; it is a battle in the spiritual realm.
In recent years, it has become evident that various
forms of pagan religions and occultism associate themselves with illegal
traffickers.(1) Two main deities worshipped by traffickers are:
Translated, this means Saint Death. Followers revere
and worship death, who is depicted as a skeleton in a wedding dress or
flowing robe, holding a scythe in her bony hand. Mexican authorities
have linked the worship of Santa Muerte to prostitution, drug
trafficking, kidnapping, smuggling, and homicides,(2) as well as human
This folklore “saint” is widely celebrated in Mexico
and the United States, particularly by those involved with trafficking,
and is one of the “narco-saints.” Followers believe that he aids, heals,
and protects those who are faithful to him.
Law enforcement often discover altars with these and
other narco-related patron saints in stash/ trafficking houses,
residences, vehicles, and along smuggling routes and border
crossings.(4) The Mexican government recently tore down many of these
altars along the border, due to the fact that they symbolize a seemingly
never-ending era of violence, trafficking, and inhuman practices.(5)
One of the incredibly hideous practices in the worship
of Santa Muerte is the offering of human blood sacrifices. Brutally
graphic stories have emerged detailing how many Mexican criminal
organizations perform ritualistic death sacrifices as tribute to Santa
Muerte, which they believe will aid and empower them in their illegal
It is vital that we pray for the fall of these idols and the breaking of the demonic powers that propagate this evil.
To read the full USRPN article on this issue, please click here.
Father, forgive me for any areas of idolatry in my
life. There will be no other God but You. Reveal any doors I have opened
to demonic activity, and deliver me from evil.
Father we stand in the gap and repent on behalf of
those engaged in occult activity in the United States and Mexico.
Forgive our two nations for opening demonic doors of violence and
idolatry that aid in human trafficking.
Father God, we ask that You would cause those who
worship these deities to experience Your love and mercy, and, by Your
grace, know You personally.
We pray that You would expose those who worship
these deities for the advancement of their illegal activity.
Furthermore, we ask that You would expose the demonic forces behind this
activity and cause the Church to war against them in prayer and
We declare the rule and reign of Christ Jesus over
Mexico and the United States. By the authority of Jesus’ Name and
blood, we pull down the demonic structures upon which these cults have
been founded.
- We ask that, since Your blood was shed for the sins of the world, You would cease the spilling of blood on altars made for the appeasement of unclean spirits, strongmen, and principalities.
1. One of the best ways that you can take action on
this issue is by being educated on occult practices and activity to look
out for. We highly recommend Cindy Jacobs’ book, Deliver Us From Evil,
which will help you to understand various occult beliefs and their
influences on society. Buy the book by clicking here!
2. If you suspect any occult activity that could also be criminal in nature, contact your local authorities.
3. If you have friends or family members that you
think may be involved in the occult, talk to them about the dangers of
occult worship and pray daily that they may come to know Christ.

DAY 19 - Laws to Protect the Innocent
Today we will focus our prayer and repentance on the issues unique to US-Mexico border towns.
The Lord secures justice for the poor and upholds the cause of the needy. –Psalm 140:12
Since 2000, every U.S. state has enacted or strengthened laws banning trafficking (please click here to see each states laws from the Polaris Project). There are also strong federal laws prohibiting sex and labor trafficking.
Within the past few years, Mexico has also seen major
advancement in anti-trafficking legislation. In 2007, the Mexican
Congress passed the first federal law and since then, all 31 Mexican
states and the Federal District (Mexico City) have undergone major law
reforms when it comes to trafficking and its penalties for offenders.
The good thing is that we have the laws on the books, but just how effective are these laws? We don’t know.
The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)
agrees that the official statistics underrepresent the actual number of
trafficking victims and perpetrators.(1) And due to the secretive nature
of the trafficking trade, victim counts are likely to remain
Since the implementation of these anti-trafficking
laws, only 360 perpetrators have been prosecuted with 238 convictions,
and only 1,264 people have been identified as trafficking victims in the
United States.(2)
So the real issue becomes that the laws on the books are not adequately written, enforced, or resourced.
Achieving effective enforcement of trafficking laws
will require dedicated citizen advocates – especially Christians. Those
same legislators who received applause for passing the laws now need to
be challenged to make the laws more effective. This may well involve
updating the existing statutes based on lessons learned in the last
One woman who is a prime example is former Mexican
Congresswoman Rosi Orozco, president of the Commission United Against
Human Trafficking. This once ordinary citizen was compelled to answer
the call to end trafficking in Mexico by becoming involved
legislatively. Her work, primarily in Mexico City, has shut down
trafficking rings and strip clubs harboring prostitution in the Zona
Rosa, and by working politically in the nation she has been able to
effectively pass major laws against trafficking in its various forms.
To read the full USRPN article on this issue, please click here.
Lord, forgive me is I have not cared about the
legal battle for innocent victims. I ask that you would give me ideas
and show me ways that I can get involved on behalf of survivors from a
legislative perspective.
Father, we confess that we have often declared
righteousness but failed to work for righteousness. Help us to be true
in word and deed. Grant us your wisdom to know how to address this issue
in our own communities.
Father God, give Your people favor as we advocate
for more effective legislation and more comprehensive enforcement
regarding human trafficking.
Bring the issue of sex trafficking to the
forefront of the media, making the public and our legislators keenly
aware of the pervasiveness of this issue.
Turn the hearts and minds of legislators toward
being receptive to passing more effective human trafficking laws. Bring
conviction and wisdom to our legislators regarding the need to update
statutes and develop strategies for better enforcement of them.
I pray for the exposure and removal of any corruption related to sex trafficking in the government of my state and nation.
- Lord, bring a spiritual awakening among legislators and the law enforcement community, uniting and empowering them to be a more effective force to fight evils such as sex trafficking.
1. The Justice Society does incredible work for the
ending of modern day slavery. One of their primary focuses is the
management of the Court Observation team, whose members attend court
proceedings on behalf of youth who have been trafficked. To see how you
can get involved, please click here.
2. Get involved in your government on a local level
forming petitions and connecting with legislatures. that will aid in
helping human trafficking survivors once they are rescued and possibly
in the court system.
3. Many times, the voice of an organization is more
powerful than that of just one person. Speak to an accredited human
rights/anti-trafficking organization who is interested in the
development of legislation that protects the innocent in order to see
how you can get involved.
Friday, September 27, 2013

DAY 18 - Border Towns: A Ripe Environment for Exploitation
Today we will focus our prayer and repentance on the issues unique to US-Mexico border towns.
No longer will violence be heard in your land, nor
ruin or destruction within your borders, but you will call your walls
Salvation and your gates Praise. –Isaiah 60:18
A border town is a gateway into and out of a nation
where people and goods continually cross back and forth. It is a place
where cultures collide and blend to such a degree that it can be
difficult to distinguish which country you’re really while you’re there.
Border towns create an environment of opportunities where:
- Individuals find work either enforcing or avoiding the laws of the area.
- Companies use national differences in regulations to pursue their advantage and agenda.
- Societies thrive on the differences between both sides, of which people and institutions come to exploit the niches in the environment.(1)
The result is a culture of exploitation, conditions of hardship, and motivations for revolt.(2)
As the cultures of the United States and Mexico
collide at the border, a policy of both sides exploiting the other has
caused a gaping wound between our two nations. US citizens look for a
quick fix or a good time through cheap labor, prostitutes, drugs, etc.,
while unethical elements from the Mexican side sometimes exploit the
residents of border towns to make fast money. In this environment, red
light districts – and by natural extension, human trafficking –
To read the full USRPN article on this issue, please click here.
Father, I repent if I lacked awareness, compassion,
and intercession for the struggles faced daily by those living in
border towns.
Lord, on behalf of our two nations, we repent for
acting wrongly towards the people of our neighboring nation. Forgive us
for harboring unforgiveness and resentment towards one another over the
past and over the actions of government leaders and forefathers. We
repent for all the ways we have not been good neighbors, and for all the
ways we have exploited one another. Forgive us for not loving one
another according to Your command.
We pray that our two nations would commit to loving and unselfishly helping each other.
We seek You for the grace to love and live as good neighbors, and for godly wisdom to overcome our differences.
Father God, impart Your just and righteous
characteristics to the hearts and minds of our local, state, and
national government leaders.
Teach us how to demonstrate Your humility and love for one another in meaningful and tangible ways.
Lord, we bless our neighboring nation and their leaders with godly wisdom and passion for justice.
Give our leaders and the people of our two nations hearts to know You and walk in Your ways.
- Father, I bless my nation with a spirit of mercy, reconciliation, and healing. I bless my neighboring nation with Your protection, provision, and economic stability.
1. If you are a church or ministry leader, consider
“adopting” a church in a border town. Find out how you can support them
in prayer and other initiatives.
2. If you are a church or ministry leader in a border
town, reach out to a church or ministry leader in the town you share
your border with. Come together with prayer and activism in your
3. Bless Mexico! Well of Life Ministries
in Mexico City is working to restore rescued survivors and fight human
trafficking on many levels in Mexico. To see how you can support this
organization and its rescued survivors, please click here.
Thursday, September 26, 2013
DAY 17 - The Role of Organized Crime in Trafficking
Today we will focus our repentance and intercession on
the identification and dismantling of Transnational Crime Organizations
(TCOs ), as well as major pedophile offenders.
You, LORD, hear the desire of the afflicted; you
encourage them, and you listen to their cry, defending the fatherless
and the oppressed, so that mere earthly mortals will never again strike
terror. –Psalm 10:17-18
As organized crime becomes more global, Mexico has
become a major destination, transit point and supplier of victims for
sex trafficking. Drug cartels have moved into this horrific trade,
preying on immigrant women in particular. There are two aspects of their
business that have made the threat so formidable:
Enormous profit: The
average age of the cartels’ victims is 11 years old. Unlike drugs, which
can only be sold once, people can be sold again and again. TCOs are
profiting greatly off the appetites of child predators and sexual
perverts around the world.
- Corruption: Due to the immense volume of illicit gain financially, it is not uncommon to see widespread corruption in law enforcement and the highest places of government influence, as well as the private sector which includes travel agencies, model agencies, marriage bureaus, hotels, construction companies, and internet businesses.
In the United States, state-wide prison gangs are also
a growing organized crime threat. Many of them work directly with the
Mexican cartels, and access to large profits from drug and human
trafficking makes them less dependent on robberies, burglaries, and
larcenies as a source of income.
To read the full USRPN article on this issue, please click here.
Father, forgive me for any way I have personally
given in to greed and the lust of the flesh that allow these illegal
trades to flourish.
Father God, we repent for allowing the huge
financial benefit of this illicit slave trade to become a significant
part of the USA and Mexico’s economies. Forgive our nations for at times
giving more funding and attention to environmental climate conditions
than to our children and their wellbeing. Forgive us for neglecting to
provide tools and biblical values, which contributes to poverty in the
USA and Mexico where these children are taken as enslaved chattel for
pedophiles. We repent for the unchecked corruption that has been allowed
to grow within businesses, official governmental offices, and national
police and military forces.
Sovereign God, expose and destroy the
strongholds/principalities over the nations of the USA and Mexico where
child sex trafficking is unbridled. Cause there to be an outcry over
this atrocity among the peoples of our two nations. Establish a spirit
of justice and righteousness.
We ask You to expose and destroy organized crime
networks such as the Russian and Albanian organized crime families, the
Chinese Triads, Japanese Yakuza, and the seven major Mexican cartels and
US gang affiliates that serve as surrogates for the cartels in the
facilitation of trafficking. Take down and dismantle these gangs, which
include MS-13, Tango Blast, Mexican Mafia and the Aryan Brotherhood.
Bring division in their camps and cause them to crumble (Luke 11:17).
Lord, create confusion, terror, paranoia,
financial loss and overwhelming remorse (that many would come to faith
in Christ Jesus) within these organized crime networks. Bring women and
children being held captive to instant freedom in the confusion (Deut.
7:23, Ex. 23:27).
Expose the locations of major pedophiles from the
nations of the United States and Mexico. Arrest, convict, and deliver
them so that they would stop exploiting these enslaved children.
- Father, impart and infuse hope to the children currently being held captive in our two nations and in nations throughout the globe. Mighty God, deliver them and rescue them from evil predators.
1. Download the Freedom App (available through the App
store or Google Play) on your iPhone, Android smartphone, or newer
Blackberry. This free app allows any citizen in any nation in the world
to report known or suspected traffickers and/or victims. Information
will be analyzed and acted on by the team of Orphan Secure, with priority given to cases involving children.
Wednesday, September 25, 2013

DAY 16 - Labor trafficking
Today we will focus our prayer and repentance on the plight of labor trafficking.
Pay them their wages each day before sunset,
because they are poor and counting on it. Otherwise they may cry to the
Lord against you, and you will be guilty of sin.
–Deuteronomy 24:15
–Deuteronomy 24:15
According the International Labor Organization, over
12 million people around the world are victims of labor trafficking – a
form of slavery in which individuals perform their work through the use
of force, fraud or coercion. This includes, but is not limited to,
situations of debt bondage, forced labor and involuntary child labor.(1)
Industries most frequently associated with labor abuse include:
- Construction
- Landscaping
- Restaurants
- Hotels
- Domestic businesses
- Landscaping
- Restaurants
- Hotels
- Domestic businesses
It can be very difficult to identify victims as they
are usually kept as secluded as possible. Immigrant workers are
particularly vulnerable to exploitation, especially if they are in the
country illegally.
The United States is also the largest consumer of
goods produced at the expense of slaves around the world. Coffee, sugar,
chocolate, and cotton are just a few examples.(2)
Mexico is tangled up in labor trafficking as a large source, transit, and destination country in the following ways:(3)
Vulnerable Mexican nationals are particularly abused
as domestic servants, street beggars, and construction workers – both at
home and in the US.
Victims in transit from Central and South America,
the Caribbean, Eastern Europe, Asia, and Africa come through Mexico on
their way to the United States, but also end up enslaved in Mexico.
- Mexican men and boys from rural areas are used as forced laborers in northern Mexico, while victims from Central America are used in agricultural areas in southern Mexico.
For those caught in the trap of labor trafficking, the
joy of service is fleeting as they quickly find themselves in abusive
and unsafe conditions. What began as a promising opportunity to serve
and/or make a living turns into a nightmare of captivity.
To read the full USRPN article on this issue, please click here.
Father, forgive me if I, in any way, have been so
focused on fulfilling my own desires and needs that I have neglected to
consider the expense of others.
Lord, we repent for greed and the devaluing of
human life in our two nations. Forgive us for establishing systems that
allow and even, at times, require the exploitation of desperate
individuals. We repent for tolerating this activity in our communities
and ignoring the basic rights and dignity of those victimized.
God, we pray for the breakup, arrest, and just prosecution of human smuggling rings.
We cry out for the protection and effectiveness of
law enforcement, border patrol, and military personnel seeking to
dismantle the human trafficking problem in our two nations.
Lord, we ask You to convict the hearts of business
owners and operators who have sought unjust gain through the abuse of
their laborers. Cause them to turn from their ways and make restitution
to those they have wronged.
- God of Justice, create a culture for godly human rights to protect migrant workers and other hardworking individuals in our two nations.
1. Be a conscientious consumer. Find out what your slavery footprint is and make some adjustments to your lifestyle.
2. Find out if products and businesses you use are treating their workers fairly. Click here for a list of companies committed to Fair Trade.
3. If you see or suspect trafficking, report it.
Tuesday, September 24, 2013

DAY 15 - The Use of Sex, Power, and Control
Today we will focus our prayer and repentance on the manipulative use of force and control behind sex trafficking.
What leads to strife (discord and feuds) and how do
conflicts (quarrels and fighting) originate among you? Do they not
arise from your sensual desires that are ever warring in your bodily
members? You are jealous and cover (what others have) and your desires
go unfulfilled…You burn with envy and anger and are not able to obtain
(the gratification, the contentment, and the happiness that you seek),
so you fight and war… –James 4:1-2
Individuals who buy sex reveal that they have the
ability to de-humanize and commodify their victims. Here are some of
their attributes:
- An anger outlet – they beat and abuse their victims.
- They view their victims as a public convenience or amenity, like going to a restaurant to dine.(1)
- They seek an outlet for the lowest level of perversion (pedophilia, pornography scene reenactment, etc.).(2)
Bottom line, much of this comes down to power and
control. There is an obsession to manipulate, control, and inflict pain
upon their victims. They have exchanged the truth and beauty of a sexual
relationship in a covenantal, God-sanctioned marriage for the
animal-like sexual behavior (Romans 1:24-25).
To read the full USRPN article on this issue, please click here.
Father, we repent for any unforgiveness we might
have towards anyone who has wronged us on a personal level in these
areas. We also ask You to search our hearts and expose anyway we might
have manipulated, abused, or controlled others.
Father God, we now stand in the gap on behalf of
our nation and ask forgiveness for the sins of our society that provoke
such destructive behavior in our lands. Forgive us, as citizens, as
citizens, for not seeing the need for strong laws to defend those being
trafficked. We also repent for not being a voice that demands the true
enforcement of current anti-trafficking laws.
Father God, I ask that You would reveal human
trafficking going on in my city. Where there is corruption, expose it
and bring every evil thing to light.
We recognize that power, control, and the need to
dehumanize another person are at the root of sexual assault and human
trafficking. Therefore, we pray today that homes, schools, and churches
across our two nations will be places where children feel safe,
affirmed, and see and learn healthy boundaries.
- We pray that You would target the hearts of men caught in this perversion with Your love and conviction.
1. The White Rose Movement
fights human trafficking by restoring girls and women who have been
exploited by (or through) the sex industry. Learn how you can partner
with them by clicking here.
2. Take every opportunity to instill a sense of
tremendous value for people in the younger generation so that they would
see themselves and others as individuals to protect and nurture, not
manipulate and exploit.
3. HOPE+RESQ works to raise awareness and prevention of trafficking by utilizing the tool of media. To learn more please click here.
Monday, September 23, 2013

DAY 14 – Law ENforcement
Today we will focus our prayers and repentance on law enforcement professionals and the huge challenges they face.
Have confidence in your leaders and submit to their
authority, because they keep watch over you as those who must give an
account. Do this so that their work will be a joy, not a burden, for
that would be of no benefit to you. –Hebrews 13:17
On any given day, law enforcement professionals in the US and Mexico face a huge range of challenges including:
- Potentially dangerous situations as they protect and serve their communities.
- Ideological extremists willing to use violence as means to achieve their end.
- Daily exposure to human indecency and pain.
- A suspicious and sometimes hostile public.
- General lack of funding and resources to carry out the expectations placed upon them.
The rampant rise of human trafficking has resulted in
its own set of additional challenges. Personnel lack training for
identifying victims and techniques for investigating traffickers. There
is a lack of standardized guidelines for handling cases and emergency
protocol for dealing with rescued victims.
Strong laws do exist in many of our cities, states,
and nations, but there is often a gap between the laws on the books and
the ability of law enforcement agencies to use these laws to build
strong cases.
Law enforcement agencies cannot be expected to
shoulder the burden this fight alone. They need the support and
partnership of average citizens in prayer and action.
To read the full USRPN article on this issue, please click here.
Father, I repent if there have been times I have
spoken or thought negatively of the law enforcement profession. Forgive
me for taking for granted the risks they face daily to protect my
God, forgive Your Church for not lifting up our law
enforcement professionals in prayer with more frequency. Forgive us for
not seeing them as partners in our visions for our communities. Forgive
us for leaving them to carry the burden of lawlessness alone and not
speaking up when we see or suspect criminal activity taking place.
Father, release strategy and wisdom for protocol
in how to handle victims when rescued and how to prosecute those who
enslave them. We pray that law enforcement and Christian organizations
would work together effectively to provide immediate and long-term
assistance for those rescued.
God, help local, state, and federal levels of law
enforcement improve interagency coordination and communication. Bring
about collaboration and information sharing between the governmental
agencies of Mexico and the USA, resulting in more arrests and
convictions of leaders of sex trafficking organizations.
We pray for successful media campaigns which will
educate the public and professionals in how to identify sex trafficking
victims and how to report suspicious activity to the police.
Grant police agencies adequate training,
resources, and manpower to successfully investigate sex trafficking
crimes, rescue victims, make arrests, and build cases against
- Protect our law enforcement officers and their families from harm. Encourage them, and let them know that there are thousands of Christians praying for their safety and success.
1. Contact the non-emergency number of your local
police department and find out the procedure for reporting suspicious
activity. Then be alert in your community.
2. If you know of or suspect trafficking, you can report it here through Polaris Project, who will in turn feed the information to appropriate law enforcement agencies.
Sunday, September 22, 2013

DAY 13 – The Need for Resources
Today we will focus our prayer and repentance on the need for resources for fighting human trafficking.
Whoever welcomes one of these little children in My
Name welcomes Me, and whoever welcomes Me does not welcome Me but The
One who sent Me. –Mark 9:37
One of the most unfortunate elements in domestic minor
sex trafficking is the lack of resources for our children. They are
shuffled around the system, often labeled as a criminal or a bad kid
making bad choices, without services that provide holistic healing.
Here’s why:
The federal government has been largely relying on Child Protective Services
to provide services for American children victimized by this crime. The
child welfare field, like many other government structures, has been
unprepared to handle cases regarding human trafficking mainly because of
the complex misunderstandings.(1) In addition, CPS will often disengage
if the child becomes involved with the juvenile justice system.(2)
Private funding for safe homes and other resources has flowed to third-world countries,
leaving American children without safe homes, licensed trauma
counseling, protection, and other needed services for healing. In the
entire United States, it has been estimated that there are only 358 beds
for American children who have been sold into sexual slavery. Only
about 50 of these are faith-based.
- In Mexico, there is an all-around lack of funding and attention to the needs of human trafficking victims. There are currently only three facilities in the entire country specifically focused on providing after-care for sex trafficked minors, in spite of research by the Mexican Human Rights Department indicating between 20,000 and 50,000 women and children are trafficked each year (specifically Mexican nationals).(3) The Mexican government seems to be counting on international humanitarian organizations to step in with solutions and resources.
With a lack of holistic healing programs and funding,
judges, probation officers, CPS and other agencies, desperate for a
place for these children, turn to inadequate services.
To read the full USRPN article on this issue, please click here.
Father, forgive me if I, in any way, have not paid
attention to the brokenness of those who have been victimized by these
horrendous crimes. I repent if I have not helped to meet and provide the
restorative needs so crucial in seeing victims recover and reintegrated
into society.
Today we acknowledge that in our two nations, our
vulnerable children are caught in the middle of a broken legal system.
We ask Your forgiveness that as the Church and as a nation, we have done
virtually nothing to change this situation. Forgive us and our nation
for ways in which we have devalued women and children and left them to
fend for themselves. We acknowledge Your Word: “Speak up for those who
cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute
(Proverbs 31:8).” Lord, we repent that we who are free have not spoken
up for those who are not free to speak for themselves.
We call out to You, El Shaddai, the God who is
more than enough, asking You to release abundant provision for the
rescuing and restoring of victims of sex trafficking.
Bring to light the ineffectiveness of the system, and make the public, government and law enforcement aware of the inadequacies.
We pray that Your Church would lead the way in
finding creative, godly, and effective strategies to fix the legal and
governmental system that our vulnerable women and children are trapped
Lord, raise up houses of restoration within Your Church to provide safe havens for sex trafficking victims.
Lord, we recognize that the problems of sex
trafficking are so complex that we can never fix the problem in the
wisdom of man. We ask for Your supernatural wisdom to know how to put an
end to this evil.
- Even as You used Abraham Lincoln to abolish slavery during the Civil War, we ask You to raise up and anoint modern day reformers to overturn the evil of human trafficking.
1. Give. Plain and simple. At the end of this prayer
guide is a list of vetted, respected organizations on the front lines of
the fight against human trafficking, and they need to be resourced. All
of them need finances. Additionally many of them need supplies,
furnishings for safe houses, equipment, security, etc.
1. “Building Child Welfare Response to Child Trafficking.” Center for the Human Rights for Children, Loyola University Chicago. http://www.luc.edu/chrc/pdfs/Building_Child_Welfare_Response_to_Child_Trafficking.pdf
2. “Rapid Field Assessment of Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking.” Shared Hope International. http://sharedhope.org/wpcontent/ uploads/2012/09/Domestic-Minor-Sex-Trafficking-Field-Assessment-Harris-and-Galveston-Cty.pdf
3. Yu, Benny. President & Co-Founder, 27Million. www.27million.com
Friday, September 20, 2013

DAY 11 – The need for Local Involvement
Today we will focus our prayer and repentance on the need to be locally involved regarding human trafficking.
There is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed, or hidden that will not be known. –Matthew 10:26
The global sex trafficking problem is based on the
reality that sex slaves are treated as chattel — movable goods or
livestock with economic value to their owners. The cash flow generated
internationally has a local profit motive along the pipeline. Someone
secures the sex slaves; someone gets paid for transporting them; and
someone gets their cut networking service outlets until the victims are
delivered at the local level. If the local providers were stopped, the
buyers would not be able to victimize.
What if we were all eyes and ears to stop trafficking on the local level?
Here are some common locations local providers and traffickers use for their discreet business:
1. Hotels
2. Truck stops
3. Gas Stations
4. Massage Parlors/Strip Parlors
5. Local Houses/Rental Houses
6. Bars/Restaurants
7. Nail Salons
1. Hotels
2. Truck stops
3. Gas Stations
4. Massage Parlors/Strip Parlors
5. Local Houses/Rental Houses
6. Bars/Restaurants
7. Nail Salons
Local activism and awareness training are essential to
stopping human trafficking. We encourage you to receive some form of
training from a local anti-trafficking organization or educate yourself
on trafficking in your state. Please click here to see more from the Polaris Project, where you can browse through information specially tailored to your home state.
To read the full USRPN article on this issue, please click here.
Father, I repent if I have not been involved on
behalf of those who are victims of trafficking. Forgive me for being
apathetic and for not desiring to be eyes and ears that will see, hear,
and report trafficking activity.
Father, we stand on behalf of our nation, repenting
for aiding human trafficking by not being aware or active. Forgive us
for allowing trafficking to continue while being apathetic to its
injustice. We repent for not being involved in our communities and
neighborhoods and for not preventing human trafficking from occurring.
Father, we ask for the hearts and minds of
community leaders to be made receptive to addressing local
manifestations of the trafficking industry.
Father of Light, reveal and expose every place in
my community, state, and nation where human trafficking has a foothold.
Uncover and make public the whereabouts of these places where
trafficking rings operate.
- Call Your Church to take their place as watchmen on the walls of their communities, being alert to and reporting suspicious activity that would lead to the arrest and conviction of trafficking perpetrators and ring leaders.
1. As we just prayed, not only do we need to be
watchmen in prayer, but also watchmen in our neighborhoods and
communities. Be encouraged to become a neighborhood watchvolunteer.
2. To educate your community about domestic minor sex trafficking, become anAmbassador for Change through StreetLight USA and be part of identifying opportunities.
3. Join your local Chamber of Commerce and encourage
them to stand against local businesses supporting trafficking and adult
4. Speak out against trafficking in your local paper. Write truthfully and gracefully, and you will write well.
5. Partner with ministries and groups bringing education to ethnic groups, including conversational (ESL) English courses.
Thursday, September 19, 2013
BE FREE in SD Freedom 21
As we are praying with Freedom 21 prayer initiative headed up by Reformation Prayer Network, we are targeting the evil injustice of human trafficking in prayer across our state and nation.
At this time I would like to introduce to you a ministry in our state of South Dakota who is primarily dealing first hand with human trafficking within our very state. It is Be Free ministry based out of Sioux Falls, SD. This ministry is headed up by Rev. Susan Omanson and Rev. Kimberly Kaveney in Sioux Falls who are painstakingly serving victims of this evil injustice.
I have asked Be Free ministry if SDAPN could partner with them in prayer to lift them up in prayer and support in any way possible. They have written some prayer bullets of needs and request for prayer as following:
1. Survivor after-care including resources for particular housing for trafficked victims which is a current gap in SD.
2. Prayer for the ministry provided by Be Free including prayer ministry, counseling, life coaching and resource development for survivors.
3. General financial resources for Be Free to provide ongoing care for survivors.
4. Collaboration of organizations within the issue here in SF and SD.
5. Spiritual warfare around the women and their situations.
6. Awareness of the issue in SD
Let us join together in prayer as a state for Be Free ministry as they pursue to setting the captives free regarding the problem of human trafficking in our state of SD.
If you would like more information regarding this valuable ministry, please connect with them on their website: http://www.befree58.org/
Let us lift up in prayer Be Free ministry at this time. Thank you once again for standing in the gap in prayer for our state of South Dakota.
Freedom 21 Day 10

DAY 10 – Poverty
Today we will focus our prayer and repentance towards the crisis of poverty that makes people vulnerable to exploitation.
Do not exploit the poor because they are poor, and do not exploit the needy in court.
–Proverbs 22:22
–Proverbs 22:22
Poverty creates the perfect storm for traffickers to
find easy prey and for impoverished individuals to grasp at any thread
of hope, no matter how fragile.
In the United States, this can be hard to understand
because even our impoverished are often better off than the average
international family. And when it comes to domestic trafficking, family
dysfunction and abuse are far more common stateside catalysts.
In Mexico, an estimated 60 million people (46.2%) live
below the poverty line.(1) These tough economic conditions cause
migration for employment to be a necessity. This, in turn, increases the
vulnerability of the population to the lures and lies of traffickers.
The cycle often looks like this:
- A trafficker approaches an impoverished family, offering one of them a job and/or passage to the US, all expenses covered.
- Desperate to feed their families, a family member will agree to leave his or her home.
- Upon arrival, they are told they have to work off the cost of their trip. They are threatened with deportation, harm to their families, etc. Traffickers confiscate paperwork (i.e. passports, travel cards, and documents) and keep the individual in isolation. Money earned rarely makes it into the hands of the victim.
Variations of this cycle are continuously being
discovered, not only in Mexico, but around the globe. This indicates
that a critical component required to end human trafficking is
addressing the issue of poverty.
To read the full USRPN article on this issue, please click here.
Father, forgive me when I have failed to be
generous to those in need around me. Forgive me, for everything that I
have comes from You and is intended to be used for Your Glory.
Forgive us, Your Church, for not being
compassionate toward those in our midst who need food, clothing, and
medical care. Forgive us for our lack of prayer and lack of focused
attention on finding solutions for eradicating poverty in both Mexico
and the USA. We ask forgiveness for all the ways our two nations have
opened the door to the curse of poverty by enacting unrighteous laws,
worshipping other gods, and dishonoring You with our words and actions.
Have mercy, Lord, forgive our sin, and heal our land.
Heavenly Father, we ask You to impassion and equip
Your Church to meet the needs of the poor and vulnerable by providing
food, clothing, shelter, education, and medical care.
Empower Your Church to create employment
opportunities for victims and survivors of sex trafficking, that they
would not be tempted to return to their previous life out of
Holy Spirit, speak to Church leaders about ways
they can offer biblical and practical training to help the impoverished
break free of financial difficulties and become stable stewards of Your
Reveal strategic solutions for problems in our
education systems, so more of our populations will be equipped to find
fulfilling careers and to adequately care for their families.
God, raise up Christians as tutors and mentors who
will come alongside young people who are struggling or thinking of
dropping out of school.
Father, impart wisdom to our government leaders to
enact legislation that helps break the poverty cycle, and empowering
our nations to prosper.
- Pour out Your Spirit upon our two nations, drawing people to Jesus Christ and the principles of the Bible, which leads to abundant life.
1. Work diligently to get yourself and your family out
of debt, breaking the cycle of the debtor being a slave to the lender.
One well-recognized resource is Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University.
2. Get involved in helping the poor in your immediate
community. Find a food pantry you can donate to or volunteer at.
Participate in a back-to-school drive that helps struggling families get
the needed supplies for their children.
Wednesday, September 18, 2013

DAY 9 – Unbridled Appetites
Today we will focus our prayer and repentance on the issue of unbridled appetites in the United States and Mexico.
Do not love the world or the things in the world.
If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all
that is in the world—the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and
the pride of life—is not of the Father but is of the world. And the
world is passing away, and the lust of it; but he who does the will of
God abides forever.
–1 John 2:15-17
–1 John 2:15-17
We live in what can quite accurately be described as a
consumer culture. We want what we want, and we want it now. Discipline
and moderation increasingly become foreign concepts, as we see no need
to curb or check our appetites. We do not know how to tell ourselves
The harsh reality is that the problem of human trafficking would not exist if there was not a demand.
Women and children would not suffer these atrocities if there were not
people willing to pay for it. Globally, human trafficking generates
approximately $32 billion in profits every year. It is the fastest
growing enterprise of organized crime. What these figures translate into
is that for every woman or child rescued, there will always be more
forced to take their places because enough people have an insatiable
appetite for any type of sexual activity (porn included) to make it a
thriving business for the traffickers.
If we truly want to see an end to trafficking, it will
begin with a restoration of purity and discipline in the Body of Christ
in the United States and Mexico. It will begin with a willingness to
recognize that when we do not rein in our unhealthy appetites, we create
an atmosphere where bondage and ultimately death are given permission
to flourish (James 1:13-15).
Women and children will be safe from the horrors of
trafficking when their worth is deemed to be more valuable than the
satisfaction of fleshly desires.
To read the full USRPN article on this issue, please click here.
Father, I repent personally if I have any unbridled
appetites. Forgive me for not possessing the spirit of self-control
when it comes to the feeding of my cravings (food, spending, shopping,
sexual addictions, etc.).
Father God, we now stand in the gap on behalf of
our nations and repent for the sins of lust, promiscuity, and
pornography that have opened the door to all forms of sexual perversion
in our two nations, unleashing the horrific physical, spiritual, and
emotional violence that permeates the sex trade. Forgive us, God, for
the sin of greed, which is allowing businesses to profit from the misery
of those trafficked and sold into slavery. Forgive us for our
complacency in prayer. Forgive us that we have not cried out to You to
rid our land of this evil. We repent for supporting the Transnational
Criminal Organizations and their criminal activities by spending
billions of dollars on trafficked girls and boys, destroying the
innocent for illicit and lustful gain.
Lord, re-establish Your truth and standard of
sexual purity in our nations. Bring Your deliverance to those lost in
sexual addiction. Help us return to Your Word and Your purpose for our
lives and those of future generations.
Father of Light, expose the serious atrocities of
the epidemics of sex trafficking, prostitution use, promiscuity, and
addiction to pornography throughout Mexico and the US.
- Stir our national leadership to respond with immediate and godly solutions to these serious problems in our schools, entertainment, advertising, and society that lead to sexual bondage.
1. Exodus Cry,
the ministry that released the award-winning documentary Nefarious, is
currently working on the second video in its trilogy that exposes the
depths of human trafficking on a global scale. This second video will
focus on our sexualized culture, full of unbridled appetites that fuel
trafficking. To get involved with or donate to Exodus Cry, please click here.
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