South Dakota Apostolic Prayer Network

SD State Coordinator Betsy Moeller

Friday, October 15, 2010

Prayer for the State of South Dakota

   Yes here we are South Dakota, our Root 52 week of Prayer and Fasting begins this Friday at 3:00 pm on the USRPN conference call when North Dakota will pass the baton of prayer to South Dakota.  Our Root 52 week goes from Friday the15th - Friday the 22nd.  Myself and team will be traveling across the state for the next 10 days and are excited to be meeting with many of you in the different locations. We will report back after our trip. 
   We will take this week to pray for the seven mountains of influence across the whole state of South Dakota and as one voice in united prayer.  May God richly bless you in your persistence in prayer!  


Friday October 15th          EDUCATION
  • Declare that our children will be taught of the Lord. (Isaiah 54:13)
  • Pray for parents of students at all levels to be alert to what is being introduced to their children and that parents and teachers become a united front against ungodly agendas.
  • Pray for the release of the Spirit of Fear of the Lord in our schools, because it is the beginning of knowledge. (Isaiah 11:3; Proverbs 1:7)
  • That the spirit of anti-Christ and humanism that has saturated the secular educational system be challenged by Christian students, teachers, and administrators. 
  • Pray for more Kingdom-minded believers to become teachers, administrators, in the secular schools.
  • Pray for colleges and schools for protection against any terrorist agendas.   
  • Pray for Houses of Prayers on College campuses to be established. 
  • Pray for prayer to be brought back into our schools.
  • Pray for the South Dakota Department of Education that areas of the enemy's hidden agenda be exposed.

Saturday October 16th        FAMILY
  • Repent for the number of marriages that have ended in divorce (broken covenant) and pray for the protection and healing of marriages under financial, emotional, and physical stress.
  • Pray for the release of revelation of the profound mystery of the Bride and Christ that marriage represents shown in Ephesians 5:32.
  • Repent for the abortions that have occurred in our state, and pray for abortion to be banned in SD.  Let us pursue this in prayer until it becomes a living reality, SD an abortion-free state. 
  • Pray for the release of the Spirit of Adoption to be released into our families especially on our reservations where abandonment, abuse, and hope deferred is prevalent. (Romans 8:15)
  • Pray for the hearts of the fathers to return to the children and the children to the fathers. (Malachi 4:6)
Sunday October 17th            RELIGION / CHURCH
  • That Godly sorrow and true repentance would come to the Church. (2 Cor. 7:10-11; Joel 1:13-14)  Also for the holy fear of God to come back to the Church.
  • Declare that the new apostolic leadership that is arising will overthrow the old religious structure in the state of SD.
  • Pray for the Anglo-European element in the Body of Christ to recognize, embrace, and honor and come in relational unity with the Native Body of Christ. 
  • Pray for the continuation of the emergence of the new wine skin apostles, prophets, and intercessors within the Native Body of Christ.  Through this company of spiritual warriors the ancient issues of defilements and altars in high places will be uprooted and torn down.
  • Pray for the reconciliation and linking together, through the apostles and prophets, the East and the West halves of the state.
  • Decree that God is uprooting the Masonic structure in SD.
  • Decree that South Dakota will run with the strength and the freedom of the horses for God’s Kingdom purposes. (Jeremiah 12:5)
  • Declare that the stronghold of the enemy in this state will topple down and SD will become a Stronghold for the Lord Jesus Christ.
 Monday October 18th           GOVERNMENT
  • Pray that the State Motto, Under GOD the People, Rule,” would become a spiritual reality.
  • Pray for the civil governments, especially the governor, mayors, the 2 U.S. Senators, and the many state, and U.S. House of Representatives.  
  • Pray for the civil government of the 9 Sioux Indian nations within our state.
  • Pray that abortion will be banned in South Dakota.
  • Pray the Lord would shut the door to all ungodly legislators and ungodly governmental bills or plans.
  • Pray the people would rise up and vote righteously in the next election/s and that righteous leaders would lead boldly.
  • Pray that South Dakota would continue to stand and honor Israel governmentally and economically and that our Godly covenant root with Israel grow even stronger.   
  • Decree that God is our Judge, Lawgiver, and King. (Isaiah 33:22)
 Tuesday October 19th           BUSINESS
  • For the revelation and implementation of new business models, strategies, products, and inventions to build Kingdom companies that benefit and strengthen our society.
  • That wealth would come into the Kingdom for its expansion through God-honoring businesses.
  • For the emergence of Kingdom minded leaders and entrepreneurs on our 9 Indian Reservations that would bring jobs and prosperity to the people and break poverty.  Pray that Godly businesses and industries would arise on the reservations with better jobs for the natives in place of the gaming industry.   
  • Godly wisdom and strategies to properly steward resources within our state.
  • That modern day godly Josephs’ would emerge with ideas and strategies from heaven to further God’s Kingdom in our state.
  • Declare Matthew 6:33, “Seek ye 1st the Kingdom of God….and all will be added onto you.”
 Wednesday October 20th    MEDIA
  • Pray for the Spirit of Truth to penetrate every area of media and any deception be exposed.
  • Ask God to break the leviathan spirit that twists, undermines, and perverts communication.
  • That young leaders of godly integrity would emerge in the media field with boldness to stand for truth and justice.
  • That the Lord would redeem the internet.
  • That God would raise up news networks, newspapers, blogs, etc., that have God’s agenda in mind and are culturally relevant and competitive with secular sources.
  • Pray for the people of the land to have Godly discernment to what is heard and seen through the media.
 Thursday October 21st        ARTS / ENTERTAINMENT
  • Pray that the arts are brought back into the church to glorify the Lord Jesus Christ and that the spirit of religion would be uprooted.
  • Pray for the Lord to raise up those who would pioneer new venues for Godly art and entertainment.
  • Pray that the Lord would deliver those in the arts that are bound by a wrong spirit.
  • Pray that a fresh creativity, together with technical excellence, would be given to Kingdom artists.
  • Pray that there be a new, God-honoring, renaissance and revival of the arts.
  • Pray for the Prophetic arts to be released to bring glory to our King Jesus.
Friday October 22nd   Pray and declare 2 Chronicles 7:14 & Isaiah 62:4 over 7 Mt in the state of South Dakota.
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Saturday, October 9, 2010

7 Days of Prayer for other 1/2 of Counties in SD

We will take these next 7 days to pray for the other 1/2 of the counties in our beloved state of SD.  If you live on the North side of the state, now pray for the South side.  If you live in the South side of the state, now pray for the Northern counties.  Again I have placed the map here for you.

Saturday:  Family Mountain
  •  Declare Malachi 4:6 over our families, "That the hearts of the fathers will turn towards their children, and the children to the heart of their fathers"
  • Pray for marriages and for their protection and healing and relief from  financial, emotional, and physical stress on the family 
  • Pray Ephesians 5:32 over marriages and for the revelation of the Bride and Christ that marriage shows
Sunday:  Religion/Church Mountain 
  • Declare Ephesians 4:3-6;16 over the church.  
  • That Godly sorrow and true repentance would come back to the Church. (2 Cor.7:10-11; Joel 1:13-14)
  • Pray for the reconciliation and linking together, through the apostles and prophets, the East and West halves of the state.
  • Decree that God is uprooting the Masonic structure in SD
Monday:  Government Mountain
  • Declare Isaiah 9: 6-7  that Gods Kingdom will reign in the state of SD.
  • Pray that the State Motto of SD, "Under God, The People Rule," would become a spiritual reality.
  • Pray the abortion will be banned in the state of SD
  • Pray the people would rise and vote righteously in the next election and that righteous leaders would lead boldly.
  • Decree that God is our Judge, Lawgiver, and King. (Isaiah 33:22)
Tuesday:  Business Mountain
  • Declare Duet. 8:18, that it is through God that we are able to acquire wealth. 
  • Pray for Godly wisdom to properly steward resources within our state.
  • For the revelation and implementation of new business models, strategies, products, and inventions to build Kingdom-minded companies that will benefit our society
  • That wealth would come into the Kingdom for it's expansion through God-honoring businesses.
Wednesday:  Media Mountain
  • Declare Isaiah 52:7, "How lovely are the feet of him who brings Good News..."
  • Pray for the Spirit of Truth to penetrate every area of the media and any deception be exposed
  • That God would raise up news networks, newspapers, blogs, etc. that have God's agenda in mind and are culturally relevant and competitive with secular sources.
  • Pray for the people to have Godly discernment to what is heard and seen through the media.
Thursday:  Arts/Entertainment Mountain
  • Declare Psalm 122: 6 over the Arts and Entertainment sphere of influence. 
  • Pray the the arts be brought back into the church to glorify Jesus Christ.
  • Pray for the Lord to raise up those whou would pioneer new venues for Godly arts and entertainment
  • Pray for the Prophetic arts to be released to bring glory to our King Jesus.
Friday:  Education Mountain
  • Declare Duet.11:18-20 over education in our state. 
  • Declare our children to be taught of the Lord (Isaiah 54:13)
  • Pray that parents and teachers become a united front against ungodly agendas.
  • That the spirit of anti-Christ and humanism would be challenged by Godly students, teachers, and administrators.  
  • Pray for Houses of Prayer to be established on all the College Campuses
Thank you intercessors of SD and regional friends for standing in prayer for our state of South Dakota.
We Proclaim, Reign, Lord Jesus, Reign in this Land!
Betsy Moeller
SD State Coordinator

Saturday, October 2, 2010

7 Days of Prayer for Counties of SD

Today we have reached the middle of our 40 Days of Fasting and Prayer for our beloved state of South Dakota.  Through the night 2 key scriptures came to me.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

7 Days of Prayer for Your City and County

Dear Praying Saints,
     As we continue to pray for our beloved state of SD, let us take these next 7 days to pray specifically for the  city and county that we live in.  Our friends who are praying with us that are out of state, please pray specifically for your friend's area that they live in.  Based on the scripture of Genesis 22:17, "Your descendants shall possess the gate of their enemies," let us take the next 7 days to pray for the 7 gates or mountains of societal influence in the areas we live.  They are as below and the day to pray for each of them.

Family                             Saturday
Religion/Church               Sunday
Government                    Monday
Business                          Tuesday
Media/Communications   Wednesday
Arts/Entertainment           Thursday  
Education                        Friday

* Pray Jeremiah 1:10 that God will uproot and expose as well as build and plant
* Pray for the complacency of the church to be broken
*Pray for a Great Awakening and for Reformation to start in the area we live
*Pray for God's Kingdom to reign over man's kingdom (Matthew 6:33)
*Declare Isaiah 62:3-4 over each one of these areas
*Declare God's justice, righteousness and mercy will reign (Amos 5:24)

Let us continue to seek the Lord's face in a state of repentance and devotion.  Your prayers ARE making a difference.  

Thursday, September 16, 2010

9 Days to Pray for the 9 Reservations

DAYS 4-12         September 16-24
     As I was asking the Lord what to pray for 1st, it kept coming into my spirit, "First Things First."  I then knew it was only fitting to first pray for the 1st Nation people of our land.  I also heard the words, "Embrace and Honor."  I believe these next 9 days we are to embrace and honor our dear native brothers and sisters on the 9 Indian Reservations in the state of SD in prayer.
     As we know, our national and state history in the past, many times was just the opposite. The Lord had showed me earlier that when I went to the reservations that identificational repentance was necessary.  He showed me in 4-D's where repentance, forgiveness, and restoration is yet to be completely finished.  That the white(European) people had robbed the indigenous people of their Dialect, Dance, Drum, Destiny, and needed to repent for this for full Deliverance to come.  Also the natives needed to receive forgiveness and also repent also of any sins.  One of the meanings for the number 9 means completion.  I believe God wants  the time for sorrow, mourning, and grieving to come to completion. I also believe God wants the 9 gifts of the Spirit to come alive and be imparted by the wind of Holy Spirit.  Also the 9 fruits of the Spirit to be set afire and burn with God's love, cleansing, and holiness.

Here are the 9 Indian Reservations to pray for starting in the center of the state and going full circle:
Day 1   Crow Creek
Day 2   Lower Brule       
Day 3   Rosebud                                                                                                              
Day 4   Pine Ridge
Day 5   Cheyenne River (Eagle Butte)
Day 6   Standing Rock
Day 7   Sisseton-Wahpeton (Lake Traverse)
Day 8   Flandreau
Day 9   Yankton

 (Remember this Friday at sundown and Saturday through sundown is Israel's Day of Atonement,
Yom Kippur, day of fasting and repentance before God)

Prayer Initiatives: 
*Pray the prayer of Daniel in identificational repentance,  Daniel 9:3-19
* Pray chapter Isaiah 58 and also 2 Chronicles 7:14.
*Pray that all sorrow and mourning will flee away (Isaiah 35:10, Jeremiah 31:13)

*Pray that the redemptive plan of God for 1st Nations people will come to its fulfillment
*Pray the 9 gifts and the 9 fruits to come alive on the 9 reservations (1 Corinth 12:7-10, Galatians5:22-23)
*Call forth the 1st Nation people to their place in the move of God
*Pray that all nations(ethnic groups)  will learn to embrace and honor one another

Monday, September 13, 2010

SD 40 Day Fast Devotional DAY 1 - DAY 3

                                            DAY 1-3  SD Devotional
As I posted earlier, we will take these 3 days Mon-Wed to search our hearts in preparation for this 40 day period. These are the scriptures and prayer directives that have come to mind for meditation and prayer.
* Psalm 32 and Matt. 22: 37-40     For personal consecration and devotion unto the Lord and repent of any  iniquitous pattern that still occupies our lives.
*2 Corinth. 10 :5-6    To set aside any mindsets that are not of the Lord and His Kingdom and our obedience be fulfilled in our submission to Him.   

*Psalm 105: 4   Seek His face continuously
*Psalm 24 :3-4  Ask Holy Spirit to cleanse us

Sunday, September 12, 2010

SD Root 52 Forty Day Prayer and Fasting

 Joel 2:14   Sanctify a fast, call a solemn assembly, gather the elders and all the inhabitants of the land into the house of the Lord your God, and cry unto the Lord.  

  Dear Intercessors of SD and Friends,
As some of you have received emails prior concerning the SD 40 Day Fast for USRPN Root 52,  I will be posting prayer directives as the Lord gives them these next 40 days.  This way we can be connected and pray corporately as one voice before the throne of heaven.  The fasts starts tomorrow Sept. 13 through Oct. 22, which will culminate the SD Root 52  week of prayer and fasting with our meeting at Pierre, SD with Dr. Bill Sudduth. Again, obey the Lord on the type of fast He is calling you to, and if you are unable to fast, spend more time in prayer before the Lord just the same.   I believe the first 3 days of the fast we should examine our own lives and make it a time of cleansing and devotion before the Lord at a personal level.  I will attach key scriptures as the Lord gives so we can pray them together.  Intercessors you are so very key to what the Lord wants to do in SD.  You are HIS Chosen, you are HIS kings and priests and I believe you have been called as in the book of Esther, "For such a time as this."  I consider it a great honor to partner along side of you in prayer.
For HIS Glory,
Betsy Moeller
SD USRPN State Coordinator

Friday, September 3, 2010

USRPN SD Root 52

This is the official blog for the SD Prayer Network with United States Reformation Prayer Network(USRPN) led by Dr. Cindy Jacobs and the United States Alliance For Reformation led by Dutch Sheets  As the SD coordinator I will be giving you updates with the latest of these prayer networks. South Dakota's Root 52 week of Prayer and Fasting is on October 15- 22.  I will keep you posted on the upcoming itinerary. God Bless you precious intercessors. Keep Praying!